A Moment Of Surrealism

There was one point in the night when I looked down to the dancefloor and it was almost like someone’s patent black stiletto heels were floating on a cloud that kept changing colour. The artist inside of me instantly though; wow that could make for an amazing installation piece.

I’m still not sure if it was real or simply a dream, the entire affair was simply Dali-esque!


In reality I was in the middle of the dancefloor in one of the very many exclusive areas in Mo*Vida on Argyll St, with a Pimms in hand and Rob Ackroyd on decks (lead guitarist Florence + The Machine) blasting Adele beats into the swarm of revellers.


However the night started somewhat differently. At approximately 10pm I was stood waiting for @Katytrouble outside Oxford Circus tube being serenaded by an innovative street musician. Think everything but the kitchen sink…literally…:

Finding Katy…We made our way down Argyll St, through the crowds exiting The Wizard Of Oz (note to self: must see this some day), to the door of the place that frequents the front page of the glossys. (If you get lost en route just follow the oompa lumpas). Infamous door staff whizzed us down the flights of stairs (in these I might add…)


…To the most surreal set up. Imagine a club, a dark, carefully lit A-List club…Then put a restaurant in the middle of it. I would have taken more photos but it really was quite dark, I snapped a few where appropriate…:


Once settled, the music started to rumble, our wine glasses were regularly topped up and a waiter did the rounds to enquire as to any vegetarians in the house…Of course, I had to be the only one. The food?…V.option was veggie pancake. Okay, so it’s simple stuff, and I think the idea is you drink to the point where taste doesn’t quite register (hence the auto wine top ups)…And let’s face it, it’s a nightclub! Most girls (and funnily enough the guys more so) didn’t finish plates regardless. Even I, who have a thing against leaving an empty plate left the table with half said meal still intact!


What was said?…

Conversations varied from who was who?…What is that dip?…Is it vegetarian?…Advice from Mr Hudson (via Katy; something along the lines of don’t judge people by what they say but what they do)…To that guy with the long hair from Made In Chelsea and how ridiculous all of their names are. Whilst we’re on the topic of trashy tv, Katy relayed a fact to me about the new Geordie Shore; apparently one of the oompa lumpas once blinded someone by biting their eye. I’m just going to set the record straight right here right now…I do Not follow trashy tv. I’m a period costume drama from the BBC type girl. Think Bleak House & The Crimson Petal & The White. Classy not “classy”. But I’m open minded. I’m like the anti ‘Cheska’…(My outfit of choice was in fact in satirical honour of the ‘girl about town’ blogger. Faux fur and all!). Totally in good humour. I am nothing like the Chelsea girl. The real me is more of a Cassie (Skins), but I have my alter egos.


Katy deciding on whether or not to safety pin her dress to her bra…

Post meal, we stashed belongings (£1.50 per item in the cloakroom…Just in case you ever need to know!) and Truffle PR director Ellie (looking ridiculously ahmaze in a white structured Aqua creation; see below) slid us into the VIP (or NotVIP in our situation) area.


This was where we witnessed first hand what we were all there for…Rob Ackroyd inaugural DJ set. Crowd pleasers included Adele, a few Friendly Fires and of course a splash of Flo and her legendary Machine. Momentary silences did occur, but regardless or not if this was deliberate for effect, I thought it built suspense!…Kind of reminded me of the primary school discos you used to attend, except sans ladders (that game where you sit on the floor and run around) and that ‘Superman’ song, where you knew all the dance moves by heart (this idea could catch on!).


Drinks didn’t stop either, from wine to more wine to Pimms to fireworks to vodka and orange and cranberry oh my. Dancing commenced, music cranked up and there was an overall brilliant atmosphere. Big congrats to Mo*Vida and Truffle PR are in hand I think, the entire night seemed a great success.

So (and I must stop starting sentences ‘So…’), if you haven’t been to Mo*Vida yet don’t be put off by the guestlist infamy, or the prices; for a one off alternate night out it is well worth it. Oh, and if you google Mo*Vida, you will soon find out that it is every celebrity under the suns choice venue in London. Can you say; Beyonce?


As for Robs DJing skillz?…I would like to see and hear much more of this in the future please and thank you. AJF

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Filed under A Drink Moment, A Music Moment, A Night Less Ordinary

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